“Bulletin Board”

 School of Particles and Accelerator - August 14, 2014

Theory Weekly Seminar(TWS)

The Imaginary Potential of Heavy Quarkonia Moving in Strongly Coupled Plasma
Zahra Rezaei, IPM and Tafresh university
August 14, 2014
Larak Seminar Room


Abstract: We study the imaginary part of the static potential of heavy quarkonia moving in the strongly coupled plasma, considering thermal fluctuations .The imaginary potential dependence on the velocity of the traveling bound states is calculated. Our results imply that the moving quarkonia dissociate easier than the static ones in agreement with the expectations.
This talk is based on arxiv:1406.1994

Time: Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 11:00 in Larak Seminar Room
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